Chef of the Dead


Chef of the dead is a student project made within the period of 8 weeks. It is about a chef finding their way through this new world where it has been infected by zombies and he tries to bring memories to people through their comfort food

My main role here was coding the whole game and working on some art assets as well

Inventory System

For the Inventory, since it was a simple game it did not demand a heavily visual inventory and with the time frame that was not the most feasible.

The Inventory system involves a list and mainly managing UI and making sure that it displays correctly throughout the game and that it does not interfere with other systems in the game

Player Attack

For the player attack, I struggled a lot with the animations as every animations made had a very different placement. I then mainly made sure to check the directions to set the animations in the correct place and hit the correct enemy. Also making sure that the enemy doesn't get consecutive hits while within the hitbox
